Well, well, well, look who we have here. It’s you, a mere mortal, and then there’s me, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu expert. Yes, that’s right, I’m a black belt, and no big deal or anything, but I can probably take down an elephant with my pinky finger.
Now, let’s get to the important stuff. Does my BJJ rank mean anything when it comes to warmups? Of course, it does! I mean, I didn’t spend years perfecting my technique and training my body just to half-heartedly jog in place for a few minutes.
When I arrive at the gym, I’m not just warming up, I’m preparing for battle. I’m stretching every muscle, loosening every joint, and mentally preparing myself to destroy anyone who dares to step onto the mat with me. And if you’re not doing the same, then you’re basically wasting your time.
So, if you see me doing some crazy contortionist moves during warmups, don’t be alarmed. That’s just how I roll (pun intended). And if you want to keep up, you better start stretching those hamstrings, because things are about to get real.
But in all seriousness, BJJ rank doesn’t really matter when it comes to warmups. We’re all here to improve our skills and get a good workout, so let’s leave the egos at the door and get to work. See you on the mat, my fellow BJJ enthusiasts! However, for some reason at around purple belt, you start to see these guys showing up late for the warm-ups, and for brown belts if they show up on time they are made to run the warm-up if not you see them wondering in on Brazillian time late for the drilling.
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